Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Height of Civilization

James Lileks, writing in The Bleat:
They’re turning off the Eiffel tower to save the planet. The tower – which is the largest metal refutation of the concept that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar – is probably fueled by nuke-juice, but never mind. It’s going off to set a good example. Let us all be inspired by the darkness... All lights will be turned off for five minutes to show concern. After which the lights will be turned back on, of course. It’s a peculiar inversion: the height of civilization now consists of undoing the plug, not connecting it.



At 9:16 AM, Blogger Scott Hinrichs said...

Five minutes. The power doen and power up sequences will probably expend far more energy than just leaving the power on for five minutes. As with so many liberal efforst, it's the symbol rather than the substance that matters.


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